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韩星明,高蕊2?覮 (1. 宝鸡文理学院 物理与光电技术学院陕西 宝鸡 7210162. 宝鸡文理学院 电子电气工程学院陕西 宝鸡721016) 
中文关键词:ARM:通信电源  同步整流变换器  最优控制算法
Optimal Control Algorithm of Communication Power Supply Based ARM
Abstract:In the 4G mobile communication system,the amplitude of the input signal envelope of the RF amplifier is variable,the bandwidth is higher,and the constant voltage is used to power the RF power amplifier,the loss will be huge. ARM communication power allows the supply voltage change with the change of the input signal envelope,realizing relatively small drop in the amplifier power tube voltage,thereby improving the system efficiency.,This paper presents an optimal control algorithm of the ARM communication power supply based on the fusion of composite membership function is put forward in this paper,which makes the work frequency of the switching power supply constant. The control method is improved,and the efficiency of the system is improved by introducing the output voltage feed forward branch to further reducing the combined subordinate power supply. and experimental verification is carried out.
keywords:ARM,communication power supply,synchronous rectifier converter,optimal control algorithm
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