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孙新丽?覮 (烟台汽车工程职业学院山东 烟台 265500) 
中文关键词:网络虚拟化  全局资源容量  虚拟网络嵌入  虚拟网络请求
Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Global Resource Capacity
Abstract:This paper uses the Global Resource Capacity (GRC) metric to quantify the embedded potential of each underlying physical node,and proposes a heuristic virtual network embedding algorithm (GRC-VNE) to maximize infrastructure providers (InP). the proceeds. The algorithm uses greedy load balancing to embed each virtual node in turn,and embeds each virtual link with the shortest path route based on Dijkstra algorithm. The simulation results show that the proposed GRC-VNE algorithm can achieve lower request blocking probability and higher benefit than RW-MM-SP algorithm and TA algorithm considering the whole underlying physical network resources.
keywords:network virtualization  global resource capacity  virtual network embedding  virtual network request  
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