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施荣华1,2,彭杨洋3,胡超1,2,4?覮 (1.中南大学 信息科学与工程学院湖南 长沙 410083 2.中南大学 信息与网络中心湖南 长沙 4100833.中南大学 软件学院湖南 长沙 410075 4.中南大学 医学信息研究湖南省普通高等学校重点实验室湖南 长沙 410083) 
中文关键词:IPv6  Z-Wave  智能设备  智能网关  多业务
Design of Intelligent Classroom System Based on IPv6 and Z-Wave Intelligent Gateway
Abstract:Aimed at the IPv4 protocol to support the lack of intelligent gateway and intelligent space network intelligent devices interoperability weak,mutual communication instability problem. Based on MIPS microprocessor and OpenWRT operating system,the design of intelligent IPv6 protocol and Z-Wave wireless communication protocol is designed to support intelligent communication between intelligent gateway and intelligent space network. Gateway,to IPSec and Qos to ensure the security and quality of intelligent gateway,on the basis of this to build intelligent gateway as the core of the intelligent classroom system. The experimental results show that the intelligent classroom system is running well,and the intelligent gateway based on IPv6 and Z-Wave can solve the problem of lack of IP address and communication interference of intelligent devices,so as to realize Web remote control and improve the efficiency of intelligent classroom system And stability.
keywords:IPv6  Z-Wave  smart device  intelligent gateway  multi-service
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