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黄旺华?覮,王钦若 (广东工业大学 自动化学院广东 广州 510006) 
中文关键词:离群点检测  距离统计  K邻域距离  正态分布3σ定理  有序点云
Outlier Detection Based on Distance Statistics for Ordered Texture Point Cloud
Abstract:3D outlier detection is an important processing of texture point cloud,in order to effectively detect the outlier quickly,a outlier detection method based on distance statistics is proposed,according to the ordered structure characteristic of texture point cloud. K neighborhood distance of every point is calculated by the distances between the point and its every K neighborhood point firstly;and then as the K neighborhood distance of ordered point cloud follow the normal distribution and the normal distribution 3σ theorem,the point will be detected as outlier point if its K neighborhood distance is beyond 3σ range. The result of experiments show that the proposed method can more quickly and accurately to detect outlier,if Manhattan-Maximum distance is adapted and K is 4. The conclusion is that the outlier detection method based on distance statistics can effectively detect outliers,and is applied on texture point cloud successfully.
keywords:outlier detection  distance statistics  K neighborhood distance  normal distribution 3σ theorem  ordered point cloud
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