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周佳峰?覮,曹伟 (长沙理工大学 计算机与通信工程学院湖南 长沙 410114) 
中文摘要:移动机器人在生产生活当中日益发挥重要作用,但移动机器人开发应用却比较困难,主要存在两个问题:一是软件模块化和重用性,二是行为协同控制模型的理论支撑。针对上述问题,融合了已在学术界和工业界取得广泛应用的开源机器人软件平台--机器人操作系统(Robot Operaing System,ROS),以及多主体理论中,支撑主体内部行为协同机制的反应式包容模型(Subsumption Architecture),设计并实现了一个移动机器人行为协同开发框架。基于机器人操作系统底层机制,把包容模型的基本控制元件封装成API,在功能单元内部提供基于有限状态机的开发模板,在功能单元之间提供松散耦合的通信机制,并且提供了基于框架的应用开发的模型设计方法学和应用实现方法学。用户使用本文框架开发移动机器人,因为框架把包容模型中的关键控制元件封装成API,使得用户不用了解复杂的控制模型理论以及底层模块执行机制和通信机制,并且可以重用机器人操作系统提供的开源软件包,几乎没有额外的学习代价,十分地方便高效。通过框架研究并且开发了具有三个行为层的自主漫游机器人以及具有六个行为层的安保巡逻机器人,在仿真器和实际场景中设置不同地图环境,进行机器人行为实验,通过实验结果分析,进一步验证了框架的易用性、可靠性和鲁棒性。
中文关键词:多主体理论  包容模型  机器人操作系统  应用开发框架  安保巡逻机器人
A Development Framework for the Behavior Coordination of Mobile Robots and Application Research
Abstract:Mobile robots play an important role in modern world. However,programming mobile-robot applications is a challenging work. Due to the two problems,one is the software modularity and reusability,the other is the control theory of the robot behaviors. Aiming at the above problems,a development framework for the behavior coordination of mobile robots is designed and implemented in this paper by combining a popular open-source robot software platform,ROS (Robot Operating System),and the reactive subsumption architecture in multi-agent theory. The basic control units of subsumption architecture is encapsulated to some APIs in this paper. Inside the function units,this framework provides a behavior description template. Between the function units,a loosely-coupled communication mechanism is provided. Besides,the design and implementation methodology of the framework-based applications is summarized. Users can benefit from the following aspects,the bottom details of the framework is transparent to programmers,the open-source packages of ROS can be reused in our framework,there is little learning cost for programmers. An autonomous wander robot and a security patrol robot based on this framework was developed. The experiments in the simulated and real environment validate the usability and robustness of our framework.
keywords:multi-agent theory  subsumption architecture  robot operating system  development framework  security patrol robot
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