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刘卓亚?覮 (云南机电职业技术学院 工业信息技术系云南 昆明 650203) 
中文关键词:三维重构  建筑立面  几何建模  约束条件  图像深度估算
Realizing 3D Layout of Buildings in Urban Scene Based on Single Image
Abstract:The organic combination of tourism resources and information technology can release huge commercial potential and has important social significance. This paper infers the three-dimensional layout of the building facade from a single 2D image of the tourist city scene. Unlike existing methods that only produce coarse-directed labels or qualitative block approximations,our algorithm uses a set of planes that are related to each other by three-dimensional geometric constraints to quantitatively reconstruct building facades in three-dimensional space. The features of each plane are continuous directional vectors and depth distributions. Through the interaction between planes to achieve the best solution,due to the quantitative and plane-based nature of our geometric reasoning,our model is more expressive and informative than the existing methods. The experimental results show that the method in this paper is more realistic than the three-dimensional reconstruction method using measurement methods.
keywords:3D reconstruction  building facades  geometric modeling  constraints  image depth estimation
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