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林亚君,陈学军,陈越 (莆田学院 机电工程学院福建 莆田 351100) 
中文关键词:潮流计算  预条件处理  雅可比矩阵逆预处理  稀疏近似逆预处理
Fast Flow Calculation Method with Jacobian Matrix Inverse Preconditions
Abstract:The choice of preconditioning method is the key to improve convergence and quicken calculation speed,while using Bi-CGSTAB to solve the correction equation of lager scale power system. This paper raised a new precondition method by using the inversion of Jacobian matrix after analysis of the characteristics of Jacobian matrix preconditioning. Then Combine these preconditioning methods with Bi-CGSTAB algorithm. Compared to sparse approximate inverse,which is considered as the most effective way,the effectiveness of the proposed approaches is verified by using InterPSS Simulink Tool in certain lager scale power system.
keywords:power flow calculation  preconditioning  Jacobian matrix inverse preconditions  sparse approximate inverse
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