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吴怀选,张磊,符楚君,杨永霞 (广东药科大学 医药信息工程学院广东 广州 510006) 
中文关键词:小波变换  阈值函数  小波阈值去噪  信噪比  均方差
Ecg Signal De-noising Based on Adaptive Wavelet Threshold Function
Abstract:In the wavelet domain de-noising analysis,in the face of the hard threshold function discontinuity,oscillation distortion may be produced in the process of de-noising. Soft threshold function makes constant deviation between estimating wavelet coefficients in the process of de-noising and decomposition of wavelet coefficients.This paper puts forward a new threshold function,which can guide good continuity and high order,convenient for various mathematical processing,can overcome the deficiency of traditional soft hard threshold function in the de-noising,get rid of the noise to achieve better effect. Using the new threshold function of the noise signal de-noising simulation,simulation experiment data show that the new de-noising threshold function is better than traditional hard and soft threshold function and some other existing threshold de-noising function method. The experiment proves that the new threshold function is practical and feasible.
keywords:wavelet transform  threshold function  wavelet threshold de-noising  signal to noise ratio(SNR)  mean squared error(MSE)
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