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陈韬,王明明 (南京航空航天大学 计算机科学与技术学院江苏 南京211106) 
中文关键词:多线程  多核  无锁数据结构  运行时验证  源代码插桩  编程语言
Memory Security Runtime Verification for Multi-threaded Programs
Abstract:Linux operating system,embedded system,avionics system,communication system are usually written in C/C++ programming language. Because of the excellent features of the C language,which has a low level of hardware,strong portability and high execution efficiency. But with the advent of multicore parallel machines,many languages have also begun to support multi-threaded programming. C language has the problem that it does not check memory boundary when accessing memory,which causes the reliability and security of software system can not be guaranteed. For multithreaded C language programs,it is difficult to verify the multithreading C program at run time because of the uncertainty of multithreaded programs. we use improved pointer runtime verification,multicore and multi thread technology,parallel computing,unlocked data structure technology,the aid of open-source compiler Clang and source code instrumentation technology complete the prototype tool Movec(Monitoring,verification and control) which supports multithreading C programs runtime verification. Then,By experimentation on Mibench and SARD,it is verified that the tool can indeed run time validation for multithreaded C programs.
keywords:multi thread  multicore  unlocked data structure  runtime verification  source code piling  programming language
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