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李斌,郭景维,彭骞 (国网宁夏电力有限公司宁夏 银川 750011) 
中文关键词:计算机软件  HBase  二级索引  聚集  转义
Design of HBase Secondary indexes for big Data Storage
Abstract:Due to the lack of secondary indexes in HBase,queries on non-row key columns need to use filters and complete the scan in the full table. In the scenario of massive data,the performance is poor. relational database proposes combining the indexes of HBase table row keys. With the secondary index structure of the structure a secondary index solution for index column value aggregation is proposed. In addition,this paper studies that the secondary index mechanism supports the processing of joint indexes and special index column values,improves the performance of the secondary index and broadens the application of the secondary index. Finally,this paper proves that the secondary index greatly improves the HBase query efficiency by building system tests.
keywords:computer software  HBase  secondary index  aggregation  escape
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