基于学生一卡通消费大数据的贫困生挖掘分析 |
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引用本文:李爱凤,梁碧允,李晓丹.基于学生一卡通消费大数据的贫困生挖掘分析[J].计算技术与自动化,2019,(2):130-134 |
摘要点击次数: 1361 |
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中文摘要:贫困生的资助工作是当前高校学生管理的重要工作之一。随着大数据在各个领域广泛而深入的应用,善用大数据技术挖掘并认定贫困生,真正实现精准扶贫,是大数据在教育领域深度应用的体现。构建了学生主题共享数据仓库,设计了学生主题ETL(Extraction Transformation Loading)工作流功能架构图,选取学生主题应用场景之一贫困生精准资助进行数据分析。获得了学生就餐习惯、消费行为、在校情况及消费指数和贫困生筛选等。为学校未来大面积、规模化和动态实施"校园大数据,精准扶贫"决策支持及学情分析打下了良好的基础。 |
中文关键词:大数据分析 一卡通 贫困生认定 精准资助 |
Analysis and Mining of Poor Students Based Big Data of on College Student Card Consumption |
Abstract:The subsidization of poor students is one of the most important student management tasks in colleges and universities. With wide and deep applications of big data in all kinds of fields,using big data technique rationally for mining and identifying poor students and realizing accurate subsidization represents in-depth application of big data in educational field. This paper constructs student-oriented share data warehouse model,designs Extraction Transformation Loading workflow architecture diagram and analyze one of application scenarios such as accurate subsidize poor students. Based on the analysis,we acquire important results concerning dining habits,consuming behaviors,situations in school and consumption indicators of the students,and then accurately select poor students. The mined results can create a solid foundation for large-scale dynamic implementation of “campus big data and targeted subsidization”,accurate recognition of poor students and student situation analysis in the future. |
keywords:big data analysis campus card poor students identification accurate subsidization |
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