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樊海风?覮,王见 (重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室重庆400044) 
中文关键词:双目视觉  误差补偿  BP神经网络  预测  误差分析
Positioning Error Compensation for Parallel Binocular Vision Systems
Abstract:Measurement accuracy is very important in the application of parallel binocular vision systems. In order to improve the accuracy of the measurement system,a measurement error compensation strategy based on an improved BP neural network was proposed. The measurement data at different locations are used as learning samples. The trained network model is used to predict the error of the measurement system. Errors are compensated for the measurement results and new data are obtained as the measurement values. The experimental results show that compared with the original data,the error of this method is reduced by 70%,which provides a new idea for improving the positioning accuracy of the visual system.
keywords:binocular vision  error compensation  BP neural network  prediction  error analysis
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