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王嘉,范蟠果,毛恒 (西北工业大学 自动化学院陕西 西安710072) 
中文关键词:LabWindows/CVI  多线程  数据采集  数据通道
Application of an Improved Multithreading Mechanismin Data Acquisition System
Abstract:In order to alleviate the contradiction between high real-time requirement of data acquisition and large data processing delay,the multithreading mechanism and related data protection mechanism in LabWindows/CVI environment are studied. For the purpose of improvement,in addition to creating threads for data acquisition tasks,separate threads are created for each data channel to process the channel data. The experimental results show that the improved multi-threading mechanism is more suitable for systems with long data processing time,multiple data channels and strict real-time requirements,and can significantly improve the real-time performance of the system and the efficiency of software operation.
keywords:LabWindows/CVI  multi-threading  data acquisition  data channel
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