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包士杰 (安徽理工大学 电气与信息工程学院安徽 淮南 232001) 
中文摘要:在变电站系统中,高压电气设备是否正常运行关系到整个电力系统的安全性、可靠性。针对电压电气设备局部放电的问题,提出了实时检测局部放电的方法,并设计出整套电气设备局部放电检测系统。采用监控系统监测变电站现场检测状况,通过旋转摄像头实时变换立体空间实现变电站检测的视频、图像采集,并基于结合 Sobel 算子的四帧差分法算法对所采集到的视频、图像分析。根据存在的不同问题,选择比如红外线检测单元、超声波检测单元和特高频检测单元的不同检测单元,从而实现电气设备局部放电的高精度、实时检测。通过试验,比起不采用旋转摄像头检测的情况,设计的技术方案检测精度更高,大大提高了设备的安全性,降低了维修成本,提高了企业的经济效益。
中文关键词:变电站  局部放电  检测单元  旋转摄像头  四帧差分法算法
Research on Partial Discharge Detection Method for High Voltage Electrical Equipment in Substation
Abstract:In the substation system,whether the high-voltage electrical equipment is in normal operation or not is related to the safety and reliability of the entire power system. A method for detecting partial discharge in real time is proposed for the problem of partial discharge of voltage electrical equipment,and a complete partial discharge detection system for electrical equipment is designed. This paper monitors the on-site detection status of the substation by using the monitoring system,and realizes the video and image acquisition of the substation detection by rotating the camera in real time to transform the three-dimensional space,and the collected videos and images are analyzed based on the four-frame difference method algorithm combined with Sobel operator,according to different problems,different detection units such as an infrared detecting unit,an ultrasonic detecting unit and an ultra high frequency detecting unit are selected,thereby the detection of partial discharge of electrical equipment is achieved with high precision and real-time. Through experiments,compared with the case of not using the rotating camera detection,the technical scheme designed has higher detection accuracy,which greatly improves the safety of the equipment,and the maintenance cost is reduced,the economic benefits of the enterprise is improved.
keywords:substation  partial discharge  detection unit  rotating camera  four-frame difference method
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