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王甫棣,王鹏 (国家气象信息中心北京 100081) 
中文摘要:国家气象信息中心承担世界气象组织(WMO)全球电信系统(GTS)区域通信枢纽(RTH)的职责,目前由第三代国际气象通信系统具体实施。通过对该系统的框架结构和数据传输流程的分析,描绘出此系统传输处理的分层模型。通过此模型能够为分析、维护和改进国际气象通信系统的提供支撑。更进一步,介绍了WMO信息系统(WIS)全球信息系统北京中心(GISC Beijing)的传输模型,描述该模型如何演化和发展。
中文关键词:全球电信系统  WMO信息系统  气象通信  分层模型
Research on Transfer Model of International Meteorological Telecommunication System
Abstract:National Meteorological Information Centre functions as Regional Telecommunication Hub(RTH) of WMO Global Telecommunication System(GTS),which is implemented by the third generation international communication system. According to the architecture and transferring workflow analysis,this paper describes a hierarchical transfer model of this system. In this model,the data transfer process could be interpreted as a parallel direction of the corresponding layers through specific protocol for communication,while data handling process could be expressed as a vertical layer the pipeline of transformation by encapsulation and decapsulation. With the abstraction,low coupling,reusability and pipeline feature,it is a good support base for analysis,maintenance and improvement of Communication System. Moreover,after a contrast with the transfer model of WMO Information System (WIS) Global Information System Center Beijing,this paper gives the evolution and development process.
keywords:global telecommunication system  WMO information system  meteorological communication  hierarchical model
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