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朱韶平1,肖永良2,党艳军1 (1. 珠海城市职业技术学院 电子信息工程学院广东 珠海5190902. 湖南财政经济学院 信息管理系湖南 长沙 410205) 
中文关键词:网络安全  入侵检测  MSNN模型  系统调用顺序特性  系统调用频度特性
Intrusion Detection of Network Security Based on MSNN Model
Abstract:In order to solve the serious security problems of network system intrusion behavior,such as rapid upgrade,strong concealment and high randomness,an intrusion detection algorithm based on MSNN model is proposed in combination with the characteristics of intrusion detection system information. First extract the system transfer sequence characteristics and frequency characteristics,then the algorithm use Sigmoid neurons in the multilevel Sigmoid neural network to fine-tune the network and enable the neurons to generate multiple responses for multiple classification,so as to build an MSNN model similar to the brain's synaptic network information processing and realize network security intrusion detection. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has high precision and strong anti-interference ability,and has a good detection effect and high application.
keywords:network security  intrusion detection  MSNN model  order characters of system  frequency characters of system
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