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史吏,李先栋,张涛,许强,贾轩 (国网聊城供电公司山东 聊城252000) 
中文关键词:分布式电源  萤火虫算法  自适应遗传机制
Siting and Sizing of Distributed Generation Basedon Improved Firefly Algorithm
Abstract:In order to solve siting and sizing of distributed generation,the firefly algorithm based on adaptive genetics mechanism is presented. Firstly,regarding each node voltage,accessible maximum power,and line currents as constraints,the distribution network's minimum loss as objective function,designing the optimization model of distribution network;Secondly,the improved firefly algorithm is presented,adding to improved crossover and mutation operations of genetic algorithm and improved Gauss perturbation,improves the global optimization ability and the convergence speed. Finally,experiments are conducted on IEEE33 node by means of MATLAB . Compared with the adaptive genetic algorithm,the results show that the improved algorithm is effective and superior.
keywords:distributed generation  firefly algorithm  adaptive genetics mechanism
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