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付琳琳1,邹素雯2 (1. 武汉邮电科学研究院湖北 武汉 4300742. 武汉烽火信息集成技术有限公司湖北 武汉 430074) 
中文关键词:微服务  容器  镜像  微服务部署  镜像优化
Research on Container Deployment of Microservices
Abstract:With the development of distributed systems and cloud computing,the application of micro-services and containers is becoming more and more extensive.The automated deployment and continuous integration through microservices containerization to simplify deployment and accelerate development is also the focus of enterprise researches. Based on the research of the characteristics of microservices and the core technology of docker,this paper gives the theoretical support for the container deployment of microservices,than compares several common microservices deployment patterns. Finally,the general process and overall design scheme of microservices container deployment mode are introduced,including the development of microservices application,the construction of container image,the management and the arrangement of container deployment. And put forward some optimization scheme for microservices container image construction,which has certain theoretical reference value for enterprise application development deployment.
keywords:microservices  docker  image  deployment of microservices  image optimization
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