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张晓丽,彭寒,景月娟 (西安航空学院 计算机学院陕西 西安 710077) 
中文关键词:模型驱动架构  元模型  分区间通信  综合航电
Design of Meta-model of Integrated ModularAvionic Inter-partition Communication
Abstract:To solve the development problems of current integrated modular avionic(IMA) system,a development method based on domain-oriented meta-model of inter?partition communication was proposed. Through analyzing the communication principle between the avionics system partition and extract the characteristics,the inter-partition communication meta-model was constructed,then the domain-oriented meta-modeling languages was generated by meta-model parser and the application model used the model parser to generate the communication configure file automatically. Validated through the two partition communication in same module,the result shows that the model language has good intelligibility and usability,and can significantly improve the development efficiency of the avionics system,makes a basis of modeling method of integrated avionics system based on the meta-model.
keywords:model driven architecture  meta-model  inter-partition communication  integrated avionics  
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