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司永洁 (黔南民族师范学院 计算机与信息学院贵州 都匀558000) 
中文关键词:WSN  三角区域  无缝覆盖  节点部署  边界漏洞
Determined WSN Node Deployment Strategy in Mountain Agriculture
Abstract:In order to address the full-coverage issues of WSN in triangular areas in mountain agriculture,a determined grid deployment strategy is proposed based on similar triangles. Using geometric analysis, it derived the relation formula of sensing radius and spacing forany triangle monitoring area,and designed a grid division method for any triangle monitoring area. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy solves boundary loopholes problem in triangle area effectively, compared with regular triangle and square deployment strategy in nodes number, sensing radius, coverage proportion and network efficiency, and saves about 37% node numbers, improves about two times of coverage-efficiency and network-efficiency.
keywords:WSN  triangle area  seamless-coverage  node-deployment  boundary loophole
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