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曲广浩1,曹鹏飞2?覮,张运生1,吕磊1,王振2 (1. 华能国际电力股份有限公司 德州电厂山东 德州253024 2. 山东科技大学 电气与自动化工程学院山东 青岛266590) 
中文关键词:汽轮机  阀门特性  分段模型  区间自动搜索
Modeling for Characteristics of the Steam Turbine Regulating Valve Through Data Mining
Abstract:To reduce the impact from the flow characteristic deviation of the steam turbine regulating valve to the performance of the primary frequency control and AGC adjustment,a modeling algorithm is proposed for the actual valve characteristics based on production data. The main advantage of this model is to adjust valve opening instruction according to the power demand in real-time based on the inverse compensation of the model. The least square algorithm is adopted for the identification of the model,in the meanwhile,the characteristic intervals are divided automatically based on the model parameters' signal along with modeling. Model identification and interval partition are conducted alternately and iteratively to obtain satisfied characteristics intervals and linear models. The instance confirms the method for building the relation between valve opening instruction and the power,and representing the valve characteristics accurately.
keywords:steam turbine  regulating valve characteristics  piecewise model  interval automatic searching
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