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林敏?覮,陈姝,袁浩翔 (湘潭大学 信息工程学院湖南 湘潭 411105) 
中文关键词:特征点匹配  误匹配  网格对应  RANSAC  极线约束
Feature Point Matching Based on Double Constraints
Abstract:Commonly used feature point matching algorithms usually set strict thresholds to eliminate false matches,which may cause many correct matches to be deleted. To overcome this problem,a feature matching algorithm using double constraints isproposed. Firstly,we statistically count the number of feature point matches in local to establish a grid correspondence,which can be used to filter out partial false matches. Then,the RANSAC was globally introduced to calculate the fundamental matrix,and the matching is once again filtered by the epipolar constraint. Experiments show that compared to the traditional matching algorithm,our algorithm can obtain a higher number and higher quality matching set without additional running time.
keywords:feature point matching  false matches  grid correspondence  RANSAC  epipolar constraint
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