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申利飞1,王文清2,白林绪1 (1. 中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院北京100083 2. 北京工业职业技术学院北京 100042) 
中文关键词:煤矸石X射线图像  分形维数  最优估计
Optimal Estimation Algorithm of Fractal Dimension of Coal Gangue X-ray Image Based on Weighted Variance
Abstract:The traditional method has a single-level defect in the fractal dimension estimation of coal gangue X-ray image. The optimal estimation method of coal gangue X-ray image fractal dimension based on weighted variance is proposed. The two-dimensional edge pixel feature component of the image is obtained by the local window feature detection method,and the maximum value is taken to form the pixel feature quantity of the image acquisition,and the feature decomposition of the image is realized. On this basis,the feature quantity of the edge contour of the binarized image is extracted,and the X-ray image of the coal-fired stone X-ray is super-resolved by the envelope contour segmentation method,and a template matching model of the coal-fired X-ray image is established. The multi-level distribution set of the active outline of the image is obtained by using the multi-level texture reconstruction method,and the image variance and standard deviation are obtained by combining the weighted variance. The estimated variance of the fractal dimension of the image and the standard deviation are input into the correlation detection template matching function of the image,and the optimal estimation of the fractal dimension of the image is carried out. The simulation results show that the fractal dimension estimation of coal gangue X-ray image is accurate and adaptive,and the recognition and detection ability of coal gangue X-ray image is improved.
keywords:coal gangue X-ray image  fractal dimension  optimal estimation
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