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沈钰瑞,李文钧,金伟杰,岳克强 (杭州电子科技大学 射频电路与系统教育部重点实验室浙江 杭州 310018) 
中文关键词:端点检测  低信噪比  谱熵法  子带能熵比法  对数能量
Researoh of Energy-entropy-ratio Endpoint Detection Algorithm in Low SNR Environment
Abstract:The speech endpoint detection is to extract the speech segment from the complex noise background in the collected speech signal,and determine the start and end of each speech,which is the basis of subsequent processing. For the problem that speech endpoint detection has low accuracy under complex noise environment with low SNR,a speech endpoint detection algorithm based on multi-taper spectrum estimation and noise reduction combined with improved energy entropy ratio method is proposed. The algorithm denoises the speech signal by improving the multi-taper spectral subtraction. Based on the analysis of the conventional spectral entropy endpoint detection algorithm combined with the logarithmic energy,the improved subband entropy ratio is used as the threshold for endpoint detection. Experiments show that the algorithm has high accuracy and high robustness under low SNR environment in different environments.
keywords:endpoint detectionlow  low signal to noise ratio  spectral entropy  subband energy entropy ratio  logarithmic energy
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