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胡谦锋1?覮,陈沁磊2 (1. 南京中医药大学图书馆江苏 南京 2100002. 江苏省中医院江苏 南京 210000) 
中文关键词:图书管理  质量监控  RFID技术  信息系统
Research on Book Quality Monitoring Information System Based on RFID Technology
Abstract:Traditional book management mainly plays the role of "storage" and "custodian". Many operations on inventory quality monitoring work rely on real-time manual input operations. People need to respond according to the instructions of the warehouse management system. Enter barcodes and even voice to verify data such as book inventory units,book counts,book quality,and book inventory locations. Although the traditional monitoring method can also achieve the purpose of collecting data and dynamically grasping it,it is still limited by factors such as less information collected,vulnerability to interference,non-rewriteability,short reading distance,and cumbersome reading. The electronic tag has the characteristics of reading and writing,no direction,no damage,long-distance reading,and simultaneous reading of multiple items. Therefore,the book quality monitoring information system based on RFID technology can greatly improve the record collection speed and accuracy of the inventory book information. reduceing human error when inventorying,and improveing the speed and accuracy of inventory.
keywords:book management  quality control  RFID technology  information system
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