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姚晨?覮,沈赟洁,朱佳敏 (公安部第三研究所上海 200030) 
中文关键词:色彩还原性  监控图像  亮度估计  机器学习  训练模型
Survelliance Image Color Error Testing Driven by Illumination Estimation
Abstract:Color error represents real color reproduction ability on survelliance image within different color temperature. However,testing method in lab is reference-based and high demanded,which can not be applied for real image survelliance system. An illumination estimation of color check-check chart is obtained in lab. Meanwhile,color error value also is computed. A machine-learning method is used for compute the training model for illumination and color error value. Finally,we get color error value for real surveillance image through image illumination estimation and trained model.
keywords:color error  surveillance image  illumination estimation  machine learning  trained model
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