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葛永高1?覮,李澄1,潘诗强2,王伏亮1,陆玉军1,王江彬1 (1. 江苏方天电力技术有限公司江苏 南京 211100 2 江苏润和智融科技有限公司江苏 南京210012) 
中文关键词:物联网  数据驱动  数据处理  边云协同  
Research on Data-driven Business of Distribution IoTand Edge Cloud Collaboration
Abstract:In the current distribution-driven IoT data-driven business,the distribution of data resources is poorly balanced and planning efficiency is low,which affects the realization of collaborative functions. This paper improves the data-driven business of distribution IoT and the collaborative function of edge cloud. Event-driven collection of bottom-level electricity data,pre-processing to generate interval data,and unified data control to achieve data-driven business. The API technology is used to keep the computer in communication with devices with socket interfaces,the communication function between the cloud computing center and the edge devices is designed,and the control module function in the distribution network is set up,so as to realize the collaborative function of the edge cloud and ensure the global operation of the distribution network. The test results show that:under the same test conditions,compared with the traditional distribution IoT data-driven business and collaborative functions,the proposed distribution IoT data-driven business has a higher balance of data resource allocation and effectively improves the distribution of electricity The efficiency of connected data resource planning ensures the normal operation of the edge cloud collaboration function and meets actual application needs.
keywords:internet of things  data-driven  data processing  edge cloud collaboration
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