引用本文:阳小华,张俊杰,罗永坚,马家宇,刘 杰,刘 华.工业控制系统的信息物理因果流模型[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(1):15-22
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阳小华,张俊杰,罗永坚,马家宇,刘 杰,刘 华 (南华大学 计算机学院/软件学院湖南 衡阳 421001) 
中文关键词:过程控制系统  信息物理结构  因果流模型
Cyber-physical Causal Flow Model of Industrial Control System
Abstract:The development of industrial control systems to intelligent control should be considered for causal modeling along with the causal revolution of artificial intelligence. By delimiting single and multi-layer cyber-physical structures of industrial process control systems, introducing cyber-physical causal flows, and establishing cyber-physical causal flow models of process control systems, we provide the theoretical basis and description framework for design of industrial control systems, analysis of control mechanisms, and implement of fault prediction and monitoring based on causality.
keywords:process control system  cyber-physical structure  causal flow model
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