引用本文:张 波1 ,唐 亮1,梁晓伟2,李 明3,张 靖3,唐轶轩3.基于遗传粒子群法的配电网故障定位研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(1):33-37
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张 波1 ,唐 亮1,梁晓伟2,李 明3,张 靖3,唐轶轩3 (1.国网安徽省电力有限公司安徽 合肥 2300222. 国网安徽省电力有限公司 电力科学研究院安徽 合肥 2306013. 国网安徽省电力有限公司 信息通信分公司安徽 合肥 230061) 
中文关键词:配电网  故障定位  分布式电源  遗传算法  粒子群算法
Research on Fault Location of Distribution Network Based on Genetic Particle Swarm Optimization
Abstract:In view of the difficulty in locating distribution network fault after the access of distributed power supply, fault current coding mode, switching function and evaluation function are constructed to adapt to multi-distributed power supply access, and a fault location method based on improved genetic particle swarm optimization is proposed, the method effectively combines the advantages of genetic algorithm in global search and particle swarm optimization in local search. A simulation example of distribution network fault location is presented, the simulation of single fault and multiple fault of distribution network system and the distortion of fault information uploaded by FTU were compared and analyzed, the results show that the proposed method has higher accuracy and faster convergence rate, and the method has stronger anti-interference. The research results can provide effective reference and technical guidance for fault location of distribution network.
keywords:distribution network  fault location  distributed power supply  genetic algorithm  particle swarm optimization
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