引用本文:夏 磊 ,李水艳.基于最小二乘RBF的含噪声散乱数据逼近[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(1):96-100
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夏 磊 ,李水艳 (河海大学 理学院江苏 南京 211100) 
中文关键词:散乱数据  逼近  径向基函数  最小二乘
Approximation of Noisy Scattered Data Based on Least Square RBF
Abstract:Radial Basis Function (RBF) is widely used in signal and graph processing because it can effectively perform difference and approximation to scattered data, such as signal reconstruction. Aiming at approximating the original data from scattered data with noise, a variational model based on radial basis function is proposed. The model is composed of fitting terms and smooth terms containingL2-norm, and the least square method is applied to solve the model. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out to approximate the noise data and the error between the approximate data and the original data is given to verify the effectiveness of this method.
keywords:scattered data  approximation  RBF  least square
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