引用本文:赵 勃.基于物联网技术的小波域分块压缩感知算法的图像重构系统设计[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(1):119-123
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赵 勃 (陕西学前师范学院 信息工程学院陕西 西安 710100) 
中文关键词:物联网技术  小波域分块  压缩感知  图像重构
Design of Image Reconstruction System for Wavelet Domain Sub-block Compression-aware Algorithm Based on Internet of Things Technology
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of low resolution and long reconstruction time for low-illumination reconstructed images, an image reconstruction system based on the Internet of Things technology for wavelet-domain block compressed sensing algorithm is proposed. Establish a low-illumination image sampling model, use the image's depth-of-field adaptive adjustment method to perform wavelet-domain block compressed sensing and information fusion processing, and use a multi-scale Retinex algorithm to perform wavelet-domain block compressed sensing and information extraction to extract the information entropy of the image Feature quantity, low-illumination image enhancement processing using image adaptive enhancement method, 3D information reconstruction of low-illumination image using Internet of Things technology, low-illumination image enhancement processing combined with detail enhancement method, complete design of stink dog system, and transmission Contour detection and feature reconstruction of rate maps. The simulation results show that the low-illumination image reconstruction with this method has higher resolution, better edge sensing ability, shorter reconstruction time, and higher practical application efficiency.
keywords:Internet of Things technology  wavelet domain block  compression perception  image reconstruction
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