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尚福华,宋欣雨,解红涛 (东北石油大学 计算机与信息技术学院黑龙江 大庆 163318) 
中文关键词:体感交互  仿真培训系统  油田射孔  Kinect  运动捕捉
Application Study of Perforation Simulation Training System Based on Context Learning
Abstract:Because traditional simulation training can only interact with the keyboard through mouse clicks, there are shortcomings such as lack of sense of presence and inadequate user experience. Aiming at the interaction problems in the simulation training of oilfield perforating positions, an application context learning theory combined with somatosensory interaction Technical simulation training system. By combining Unity with somatosensory interaction technology, learners can use gestures and gestures to achieve interactive operations with the simulation training system. Combined with the application of this technology, learners can experience and learn in a more realistic virtual learning environment, meet the needs of learners' experience and participation, and effectively promote learners to rise from specific perceptual experiences to abstract knowledge concepts. Create favorable conditions for the smooth development of teaching and training.
keywords:somatosensory interaction  simulation training system  oilfield perforation  Kinect  motion capture
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