引用本文:綦 慧,徐晓慧.基于Web系统的大数据搜索技术的实现和优化[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(1):155-163
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綦 慧,徐晓慧 (北京工业大学 信息学部北京 100124) 
中文关键词:大数据  搜索  Web系统  Axios技术
Realization and Optimization of Big Data Search Technology Based on Web System
Abstract:Based on the development background of Web platform, this paper proposes to realize fast search of big data with Axios and Element-Ui component library as key technologies.By using Axios technology to request background data across domains, the obtained data is stored in Web memory.The user search component interface of the Web platform is built through the element-ui component library, the data obtained from the background is rendered into the Web interface, and the keyword search is realized by string matching according to KMP algorithm.On this basis, Vue technology stack custom instruction lazy load to achieve fast and accurate search.Experiments show that the big data search framework based on Web system can realize accurate and fast search of big data.
keywords:big data  search  Web system  Axios
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