引用本文:高 峡1 ,吴 涛2,高月仁3.基于云计算平台的政务大数据系统自动检索方法研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(1):164-168
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高 峡1 ,吴 涛2,高月仁3 (1.唐山曹妃甸发展投资集团有限公司河北 唐山 0632002.华北理工大学河北 唐山 0632003.唐山曹妃甸联城科技股份有限公司河北 唐山 063200) 
中文关键词:云计算平台  大数据系统  自动检索
Research on Automatic Retrieval Method of Government Big Data System Based on Cloud Computing Platform
Abstract:The accuracy and recall of traditional retrieval methods are relatively poor, which leads to low accuracy of automatic retrieval. In response to this problem, a research on automatic retrieval methods for government affairs big data systems based on cloud computing platforms is proposed. Under the cloud computing platform, CiteSpace software is used to perform statistical analysis on keywords in the government's big data system to obtain related resources. Under the online mode of e-government, the resource-related attributes in the government's big data system are revealed. With the support of the MapReduce mining model, data mining of the government's big data system is performed to realize automatic retrieval of the government's big data system. The experimental verification analysis shows that the method has high retrieval accuracy and recall, and has an efficient retrieval effect.
keywords:cloud computing platform  big data system  automatic retrieval
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