引用本文:陈宁可1,2 ,何 龙2.基于MATLAB的双极型矩阵变换器的无差拍控制算法实现[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(2):12-15
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陈宁可1,2 ,何 龙2 (1.中北大学 电气与控制工程学院山西 太原 0300512.中国科学院海西研究院 泉州装备所福建 泉州 362200) 
中文关键词:双极型矩阵变换器  无差拍控制  电源电流  矢量调制
Deadbeat Control in Two-Stage Matrix Converter Based on MATLAB
Abstract:In order to solve the characteristics of the variable switching period of model predictive control and the poor dynamic performance of space vector modulation control strategy, deadbeat control is proposed and innovatively applied to the control of two-stage matrix converter. The deadbeat control modulates the output voltage vector and the input current vector through the predictive model. This algorithm can control the output and input current waveform well, and can optimize the voltage on the dc-link, and forces source current sine. The simulation results based on MATLAB prove the above theoretical analysis strongly.
keywords:two-stage matrix converter (TSMC)  deadbeat control  source current  modulation
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