引用本文:东 鑫 渊.基于ACTRAN的超声聚能器声场辐射仿真研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(2):31-35
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东 鑫 渊 (西安思源学院陕西 西安 710000) 
中文关键词:超声聚能器  阻抗匹配  贝塞尔函数  ACTRAN声场辐射
Simulation of Acoustic Field Radiation of Ultrasonic Focuser Based on ACTRAN
Abstract:Designing a kind of ultrasonic resonator, in order to solve the problem of ultrasonic sensor energy dispersive and fast attenuation, which lead to the echo signals are difficult to be identified. Firstly, according to the theory of acoustics proves that the ultrasonic resonator can improve impedance match and radiant efficiency. Then, using the Bessel function points out important design parameters, which affect directivity of sound source, by changing the design parameters such as sound source frequency, opening area of resonator make the directivity sharp and energy centralized. Using ACTRAN finite element simulation software to simulate sound field radiation cloud map and experimental show that the theoretical analyses are correct, and the effectiveness and controllability of optimum design parameters for improve the ultrasonic detecting distance.
keywords:ultrasonic focuser  impedance match  Bessel function  ACTRAN sound field radiation
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