引用本文:程 慧,王镜芳 ,胡程平,吴方舟,刘爱禹,钱启宇.基于数据挖掘技术的低压台区线损检测研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(2):61-65
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程 慧,王镜芳 ,胡程平,吴方舟,刘爱禹,钱启宇 (国网浙江海宁市供电有限公司浙江 海宁 314400) 
中文关键词:线路损耗  数据挖掘  层次分析  加权LOF算法  异常值检测
Research on Line Loss Diagnosis of Low Voltage Station Based on Data Mining Technology
Abstract::In view of the huge amount of power data collected at the transformer end of the low-voltage substation area, it is difficult to analyze the line loss.The massive user data accumulated in the process of power information system marketing automation is analyzed in depth, and a reasonable and efficient line loss analysis mathematical model is established. By mining the useful information behind these data in the smart meter, we can detect the user's abnormal electricity use behavior, and achieve the purpose of preventing electricity theft and leakage, so as to reduce the line loss. Using the weighted LOF algorithm data mining technology of power line power stealing layered detection method, we can analyze the massive user data weighted outliers, and more effectively complete the positioning of abnormal power users.
keywords:line loss  data mining  AHP  weighted lof algorithm  outlier detection
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