引用本文:何 昆,何子昂,范杏元.基于PCA孤立森林的用电异常识别研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(2):76-80
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何 昆,何子昂,范杏元 (广东电网有限公司 广州供电局广东 广州 510080) 
中文关键词:用电异常  时间序列数据  PCA孤立森林  仿真实验
Research on Electricity Abnormal Identification of Isolated Forest Based on PCA
Abstract:Power abnormality is a major pain point in power supply management. The traditional work management mode has contingency for the discovery of power anomalies and cannot guarantee work efficiency.This paper conforms to the purpose and trend of smart grid construction, and makes full use of data mining methods to conduct intelligent anomaly intelligent identification research. Under the support of real data, after repeated trials and deductions, the PCA-based isolated forest electricity anomaly identification method is derived.In addition, under the comparative experiment of isolated forest, PCA-logical regression and PCA-neural network, the method described still has superiority and progress.
keywords:abnormal power corsumption  time series data  PCA isolation forest  simulation experiment
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