引用本文:蒯峰阳,张 丹.基于亮暗通道相结合的自适应图像去雾算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(2):118-124
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蒯峰阳,张 丹 (南京林业大学 信息科学技术学院,江苏 南京 210000) 
中文关键词:图像去雾  亮通道  暗通道  天空分割
Adaptive Single Image Haze Removal Using Integrated Dark and Bright Channel Prior
Abstract:The dark channel prior (DCP) has been recently demonstrated as an adequate haze removal model. Nevertheless, its procedure will causethe Halo effect and color distortion of the image. Based on this, a new algorithm combining the bright channel principle and the sky region segmentation is proposed。It can accurately estimate the atmospheric light value and transmittance by using the combination of the light channel and the dark channel. Sky region segmentation solves the problem of color distortion in the sky region when recovering fog-free images.This article compares the defogging algorithm of this article with existing algorithms from both the subjective and objective aspects.The results show that our algorithm can effectively eliminate the Halo effect, obtain defogging results with high contrast, high color saturation and rich detailed information,improve image defogging efficiency.
keywords:image defogging  dark channel prior  bright channel prior  sky region segmentation
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