引用本文:范 媛,蔡 敏.基于校园卡消费数据的学生消费水平判别模型建立[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(2):148-153
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范 媛,蔡 敏 (中国石油大学(北京) 信息中心 北京 102249) 
中文关键词:校园卡系统  数据分析  K-means算法  消费水平  判别模型
Establishment of a Discriminant Model on Students' Consumption Level Based on Campus Card Consumption Data
Abstract:The campus card system is an important part of college information construction. The campus card can be used for consumption at any businesses on campus, through the analysis of student campus card consumption data, students' real consumption level can be obtained. This article analyzes student campus card consumption data, determines the decisive indicators of student consumption based on principal component analysis, and classifies student consumption levels into four categories based on K-means clustering algorithm. Through discriminant analysis, a discriminant model of students' consumption level can be established to distinguish students' consumption level, which provides the data support and decision-making assistance for the school decision-making andpoor students' support.
keywords:campus card system  data analysis  K-means clustering algorithm  consumption level  discriminant model
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