基于中间估计量观测器的飞行器姿态容错控制 |
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引用本文:张 亮2,樊承阳1,周宁博1,邓双喜1,银 翔1,叶佳卓1.基于中间估计量观测器的飞行器姿态容错控制[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(3):7-12 |
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中文摘要:针对刚性飞行器在飞行过程中发生执行器故障和受到外界干扰的问题,基于中间估计量的方法提出了一种主动容错控制方案。通过设计中间估计量观测器,将常见的乘性及加性执行器故障以整体故障估计量的形式加入到系统模型中,并验证了观测结果的收敛。在未知外部干扰和执行器故障同时存在的情况下,基于求解Riccati方程设计了一种飞行器主动容错控制策略,利用Lyapunov定理验证闭环系统的稳定性。最后通过仿真验证了设计控制系统的有效性和稳定性。 |
中文关键词:容错控制 中间估计量观测器 非线性系统 单位四元数 |
Fault-tolerant Control of Aircraft Attitude Based on Intermediate Estimator |
Abstract:An active fault-tolerant control method was proposed based on intermediate estimator for the Aircraft Attitude in the presence of actuator fault and external disturbances. To estimate the total effect of the multiplicative and additive actuator fault instead of each fault individually, an intermediate estimator observer was proposed, and the convergence of the observer's results were verified. To the attitude subsystem with both actuator fault and external disturbances an active fault-tolerant controller based on Riccati equation was designed to track the desired attitude. The stability of the closed-loop system was proved based on Lyapunov's theory. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness and stability of the proposed control system. |
keywords:fault-tolerant control intermediate estimator nonlinear systems unit quaternion |
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