引用本文:牛 丽1,丁海波2.基于PLC的整流器沥青灌装机械手及控制设计[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(3):28-32
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牛 丽1,丁海波2 (1.苏州市职业大学 计算机工程系 江苏 苏州 215104
2.苏州工业园区职业技术学院 机电工程系 江苏 苏州 215021) 
中文关键词:灌装沥青  机械手  自动化  控制系统
Design of Asphalt Filling Manipulator and Its Control For Rectifier Based on PLC
Abstract:When ballast is filled with asphalt in production, most of them are manual filling with hand-held ballast and filling machine, which has low efficiency and high cost. Design the asphalt automatic filling manipulator, introduce the mechanical structure and automatic filling process in detail, and use Mitsubishi FX3U-48MT programmable controller, MR-J3-20A servo system and touch screen to form a control system to realize the control of the robot, parameter modification, Functions such as selection and monitoring, simple equipment operation, precise control, and high degree of automation are of great significance for improving the ballast's production efficiency, reducing labor, and reducing costs.
keywords:filling asphalt  manipulator  automation  control system
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