引用本文:李 正 伟 .基于Log-Gabor滤波器的SAR图像变化检测研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(3):127-132
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李 正 伟  (成都理工大学 工程技术学院四川 乐山 614007) 
中文关键词:SAR图像  变化检测  斑点噪声  Log-Gabor滤波器组
SAR Image Change Detection Based on Log-Gabor Filter
Abstract:Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image has good performance and high resolution. A multi-scale and multi-directional change detection method for multi-phase SAR image is proposed. SAR image is preprocessed by speckle suppression anisotropic diffusion filter (SRAD) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT), and the processed speckle free image is designed by log Gabor (LG) filter bank in multi-scale and multi direction. The maximum amplitude of multiple directions is added to get the scale representation based on the feature. By designing the minimum overlapping transmission function to expand the wide coverage of the filter bandwidth, the differential image coefficients are obtained by multi-directional processing of each scale, and then the differential image is calculated by adding the differential coefficient sequences of each scale. Finally, the performance of the method is verified by the real data set of Wuhan SAR image.
keywords:SAR image  change detection  speckle noise  Log-gabor filter bank
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