引用本文:陈昌娜1,李昭桦2 .基于增量集成学习的动态自适应SDN入侵检测[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(3):177-183
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陈昌娜1,李昭桦2  (1. 广州供电局有限公司广东 广州 510600 2.中国能源建设集团 广东省电力设计研究院有限公司广东 广州 510600) 
中文关键词:增量学习  集成学习  入侵检测  软件定义网络
A Aynamic Adaptive SDN Intrusion Detection Method Based on Incremental Ensemble Learning
Abstract:With the popularization of SDN network application, the security of SDN network has been paid more and more attention. Because the network intrusion detection method based on pattern recognition cannot collect complete training dataset at one time, the recognition rate of intrusion detection model for unknown intrusion behavior is not high. In order to improve the adaptability of intrusion detection system, this paper proposes an incremental ensemble learning algorithm and uses it to solve the problem of SDN intrusion detection. The proposed algorithm uses sliding window method to obtain data blocks and trains data blocks to obtain sub classifiers. Then it selects sub-classifiers according to the classification results of historical data blocks and current data blocks for integration, so that the classification model is constantly improved and can identify unknown attack behavior adaptively. The experimental results on the NSL-KDD dataset show that the algorithm can improve the recognition rate of unknown attacks.
keywords:incremental learning  ensemble learning  intrusion detection  software defined network
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