引用本文:成忠涛1,李聚峰1,2,彭高祥1,刘 磊1,王永骥1.基于Bézier曲线碰撞角约束多项式制导方法[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(4):1-7
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成忠涛1,李聚峰1,2,彭高祥1,刘 磊1,王永骥1 (1.华中科技大学 人工智能与自动化学院 多谱信息处理技术重点实验室湖北 武汉 4300742.江南工业集团有限公司湖南 湘潭 411207) 
中文关键词:Bézier曲线  航迹角  碰撞角  制导律  剩余飞行时间
Polynomial Guidance with Constrained Impact Angle Based on Bezier Curve
Abstract:The work presented investigates a polynomial guidance law with impact angle constraint based on Bézier curve. The problem of guidance command design is transformed into the design of the flight path angle, which is proposed in a quadric Bézier curve form, through mathematical model transformation. First, a guidance law is proposed with constant velocity by using the property of Bézier curve. Then, a guidance law of terminal angle constraint with time-varying velocity is studied; and then the time-to-go estimation under this strategy is obtained. Different simulations are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed guidance law.
keywords:Bézier curve  flight path angle  impact angle  guidance law  time-to-go
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