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赵伟博1,李琳杰1,齐锴亮2 (1.陕西工业职业技术学院 航空工程学院陕西 咸阳 7120002.陕西工业职业技术学院 电气工程学院陕西 咸阳 712000) 
中文关键词:RobotStudio  机器人上下料  虚拟仿真  PLC  工作站
Design and Simulation of Robot Loading and Unloading Workstation Based on RobotStudio
Abstract:Taking the industrial robot to load-unload workpiece workstation as the research object, aiming at the difficulty of its trajectory optimization and automatic production coordination, the off-line programming and dynamic simulation of the industrial robot to load-unload workpiece workstation are proposed by using RobotStudio. The structure layout of the workstation and the smart component design of the load-unload workpiece workstation are given. The simulation and debugging of the workstation are carried out in combination with the off-line programming of the robot. On this basis, a real robot to load-unload workpiece workstation is designed. The workstation consists of a two claw robot, a feeding unit, a machine tool chuck, a three-dimensional warehouse and a main control PLC. The architecture of workstation main control system and the communication mode between devices are given. The program of simulation workstation is imported into the actual workstation for equipment debugging. This way from virtual simulation to actual design and manufacturing greatly shortens the development and debugging cycle of the workstation, and has a good reference for the upgrading of traditional machining enterprises.
keywords:RobotStudio  robot to load-unload workpiece  virtual simulation  PLC  workstation
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