引用本文:隋 宇 , 陈亚彬,曹华珍,韦 斌.基于配网的5G通信承载网资源分配近优算法[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(4):79-83
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隋 宇 , 陈亚彬,曹华珍,韦 斌 (广东电网有限责任公司 电网规划研究中心广东 广州 510000) 
中文关键词:配电网  光正交频分复用  子载波分配  软件定义网络  k最短路
Near Optimal Algorithm for Resource Allocation in the Communication Network of the Fifth Generation Based on Distribution Power Grid
Abstract:Inter-connection of communication networks for power distribution network in the era of fifth generation network may form large-scale optical transfer networks. In order to solve the joint optimization of routing, sub-carrier allocation and modulation scheme allocation for each subcarrier in,a near optimal algorithm based on k-shortest paths is proposed. To verify the efficiency of the proposed near-optimal algorithm, a medium scale optical transfer network is chosen as the example. Comparisons are done between the near optimal algorithm and the optimal algorithm based on exhaustive route searching for joint routing, subcarrier allocation and allocation of modulation scheme for each subcarrier. The comparisons show that a small value of k for the near optimal algorithm suffices to obtain an optimal solution for the joint optimization problem whilst the time needed is apparently reduced in the case of a medium scale network.
keywords:power distribution network  optical orthogonal frequency multiplexing  subcarrier allocation  software defined network  k shortest path
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