引用本文:潘 雪 航 .基于迭代稀疏组套索及SVM的高维分类研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(4):108-112
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潘 雪 航  (河海大学 理学院江苏 南京 211100) 
中文关键词:迭代稀疏组套索  支持向量机  高维分类  变量选择
High-dimensional Classification Based on Iterative Sparse Group Lasso and SVM
Abstract:There are a lot of redundant variables and noise in high-dimensional data, and traditional classification methods usually do not work well in high-dimensional situations. In order to improve the classification performance, the iterative sparse group lasso is combined with support vector machine, and a new high-dimensional classification method iSGL-SVM is proposed. The proposed method was verified on the prostate and Tox_171 datasets respectivelyand compared with the other three methods. The experimental results showed that the method has better variable selection effects and higher classification accuracy, which can be widely used for classification of high-dimensional small sample datasets.
keywords:iterative sparse group lasso  support vector machine  high-dimensional classification  variable selection
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