引用本文:黄 婕1,2.基于大数据深度神经网络与Agent的大规模任务处理方法[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(4):125-130
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黄 婕1,2 (1. 湖南省飞机维修工程技术研究中心, 湖南 长沙 4101242. 长沙航空职业技术学院 航空电子设备维修学院, 湖南 长沙 410124) 
中文关键词:深度神经网络  强化学习  虚拟网络映射
Large-scale Tasks Processing Method Based on Deep Neural Network and Agent
Abstract:Since the large-scale task processing model is usually based on historical data in the processing of actual task requests, if the model is always judged based on experience and previous knowledge, there will be many tasks that cannot be recognized and processed, as well as problems such as model overfitting. A computing model based on deep neural network is proposed for large-scale task deployment, and the Agent reinforcement learning utility is evaluated to realize the optimal virtual network mapping scheme. The experimental results show that the BDTard method can meet the requirements of large-scale task, stabilize the long-term benefits of the system, and ensure the efficient execution of large-scale task processing in the big data environment.
keywords:deep neural network  reinforcement learning agent  virtual network mapping
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