引用本文:于 然 ,赵子兰,于 蒙,吕海军,许鸿飞,吴 舜.基于动态获取资源配置信息的电力通信资源管理系统研究[J].计算技术与自动化,2021,(4):135-139
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于 然 ,赵子兰,于 蒙,吕海军,许鸿飞,吴 舜 (国网冀北电力有限公司 信息通信分公司北京 100053) 
中文关键词:动态获取  资源配置信息  电力通信资源  管理系统
Research on Power Communication Resource Management System Based on Dynamic Acquisition of Resource Allocation Information
Abstract:Because some information resources in the process of power communication have dynamic characteristics and can not accurately capture the effective data, the resource management system can not input the data in time. The logical topology model is constructed based on the features of power communication resource management system, and CORBA technology and SOCKET socket technology are introduced.The information forwarding model and the information dissemination state function of the management system are constructed, and the related resources are updated automatically to realize the dynamic acquisition of.Finally, according to the mapping relationship matching reasonable data sources, drawing frame diagram, complete the design of power communication resource management system. The experimental results show that the design system has high input accuracy when inputting dynamic information or data, and effectively reduces the required.
keywords:dynamic acquisition  resource allocation information  power communication resources  management system
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